Unit Testing the IIS URL Rewrite Module

Ever wanted to unit test your url rewrite configuration before adding it in production? Here's how to get it done with .net 6.…

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Stubbing the internet with Postman, HttpClient and HttpMessageHandler

When integrating with APIs all over the internet, it's nice to be able to run tests fast without actually calling the third parties. Here's a bunch of tricks I employ to stub at the very frontier of my network communication.…

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Environmental ApprovalTests

ApprovalTests is great when popping diffs in Visual Studio. But can it also be used in CI environments and other non-dev cases? Sure. Here's how.…

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Umbraco Unit Testing Workshop Material

I've got a unit testing workshop for Umbraco I'm running at conferences. Feel free to go at it alone, and come to a workshop if you need help.…

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Exploiting ApprovalTests for clearer tests

Ever written several asserts in one test because you have a big graph you want to verify? Here's how to never do that again.…

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UmbracoSupport got typed content

Been unit testing Umbraco and suffer from stubbing hell, weird errors or just not the content types you want? Here's how to get the whole content engine running in your tests.…

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Testing views with RazorGenerator

Want to add your ASP.NET views to the system under test? Here's a hidden gem that let's you do that in a jiffy.…

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Generating documentation from NUnit tests

There's a lot of benefits with unit testing. One of the less exploited ones would be documentation. In this post I share a couple of tricks with NUnit to make it feasible.…

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Automating creation of source data for tests

Use a lot of test-data when writing tests? Here's a quick way of preparing the infrastructure for file-based data.…

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The basics of unit testing Umbraco just got simpler

Testing Umbraco has gotten even simpler in 2017. Here's what you need to get tucked in and don't think about it.…

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